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ShiftControl Release Notes

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Introducing App Discovery!

We’ve grown our app catalog to include over 950 apps, allowing you to quickly configure and manage Single Sign-on (SSO) . However, we recognize that many users might not have licenses on the tier that supports SSO. To address this, we’ve enhanced the experience by fully managing our own app catalog. You can now easily add apps as bookmarks, with pre-filled login URLs and descriptions for apps—no more manually entering URLs or descriptions! Each bookmark will take you directly to the app’s login page, helping you stay productive and avoid unnecessary marketing pages.

We’ve introduced a dedicated area for discovering and managing integrations, providing you with full control over how ShiftControl interacts with your applications. Each integration requires secure credentials—whether API keys or OAuth tokens—which we support and store securely. This feature allows you to monitor critical data points like integration health, service health, and authentication status, giving you real-time insights into the connections your business depends on.

Our first available integration is with Google Workspace, part of the new App Discovery feature, with many more integrations on the way. These will enable powerful features such as synchronizing users across applications, ensuring secure configurations, and even pulling invoicing and usage data from SaaS services to streamline management.

With our new Google Workspace integration, administrators can now gain deep insights into how their users are interacting with external apps and services. Once connected via an admin account, ShiftControl will automatically start pulling event logs, including details on when users authorize third-party services—such as using the “Sign in with Google” (Google SSO) feature—and when access is revoked by users or apps. This data is refreshed periodically to ensure you always have up-to-date visibility into the apps your users are authenticating with their Google identity.

This enhancement to our App Discovery feature empowers you to better manage SaaS services by helping you identify and add new applications to ShiftControl while also detecting unexpected uses of Google accounts and potential shadow IT. It’s an essential tool for maintaining control and ensuring secure use of your organization’s digital footprint.

Our new App Discovery feature gives you the power to see all the apps your users have connected to through integrations like Google Workspace. This feature helps you discover which apps your users are using, how they were authorized, and what actions have been taken—such as authorizations or revocations.

With detailed insights, such as the number of users interacting with each app, and how they were discovered, App Discovery helps you take immediate action. You can easily add newly discovered apps to ShiftControl with just one click.

Key capabilities include:

  • App Visibility: See which apps users have authorized and manage them directly from ShiftControl.

  • User Activity Tracking: Review important details, including the number of users, authorizations, and revocations for each app.

  • Detailed Event Logs: Access activity logs that show specific user actions, such as authorization and revocation events, including timestamps and user email addresses.

This is just the beginning—our App Discovery feature is the first mechanism to help you gain control of your SaaS environment. We are actively working on more integrations to help you discover apps even more efficiently. Soon, you’ll be able to leverage tools like accounting systems, mailbox invoice discovery, and more to uncover every corner of your app ecosystem.

Introducing Task Management, a powerful new feature designed to help you manage critical tasks across ShiftControl. We know that not everything in your SaaS ecosystem is fully automated—especially when it comes to user onboarding and offboarding. While we’re working to automate as much as possible, there will always be manual steps required.

With this first release, Task Management highlights the actions that need your attention, such as deciding what to do with newly discovered applications. The task view helps you easily identify tasks with clear statuses, descriptions, and assignment options, giving you full control over who handles each task. In this early version, you’ll be able to manage tasks like reviewing apps discovered through Google Workspace integration.

Looking ahead, Task Management will continue to evolve to include essential tasks such as onboarding/offboarding users from apps that require manual user management, handling approval requests for app assignments, and much more. This feature ensures you stay in the loop and never miss important steps, giving you visibility and control over all manual tasks needed to keep your operations running smoothly.

Bugs and improvements

  • Fixes
    Fixed an issue where in certain cases if you were in an edit screen opening the app assignment report would fail

We’re excited to introduce a powerful new feature to our platform: App Assignment Reporting. This update empowers you with the data and control needed to manage your entire IT and SaaS ecosystem seamlessly. Now, you can easily view and manage app assignments by both app and user, all in one convenient location within our new reports section.

To make your workflow even more efficient, we’ve added multiple export options, including CSV, TSV, JSON (both flattened and nested), and Google Sheets. The Google Sheets export comes with built-in pivots, giving you the flexibility to analyze and visualize your data exactly how you want. With this update, managing who has access to what apps has never been easier!

Effortlessly navigate ShiftControl with our new Command Bar! You can now quickly access the dashboard, users, groups, and apps—all in one convenient place. Use intuitive hotkeys to speed up your workflow and streamline your experience. Searching and managing your ShiftControl environment has never been easier!

Check it out in action! 🔥

There are many cases where you might need to set a user’s password for them, especially if they lost access to their email and have forgotten their passwords. You can now set a user’s password for them using the ”Set Password” menu for each user. By default, we also expire the existing password and force the user to change it on next login.

We generate a password for you, or you can use your own! The generated passwords are designed to be secure enough for temporary use and easy to relay over a voice call or type in manually from another device.

⚠️ We always recommend forcing the user to reset the password on the next login to avoid the chance of them using a temporary password permanently.

We noticed that the bulk actions menu was getting a bit too busy, so we organized the actions to make them easier to find and use! We also now disable actions that don’t apply for the selected users to make it clearer what actions can be taken.

Our menus were a bit boring! Humans are visual beings, so we wanted it easier to navigate menus with icons that map clearly to the actions. It also just looks better!

Bugs and improvements

  • Fixes
    Sorting apps on certain columns now sorts as expected
  • Fixes
    Pop-up screens no longer close unexpectedly
  • Fixes
    Deleting a user now performs a full clean up their state in group screens
  • Fixes
    A user removed from the ShiftControl app is now always properly disabled in the admin panel

We’ve improved the interface to make configuring and customizing group memberships more intuitive. Now, it’s easier to see how different rule types interact. You can combine dynamic rules, nest existing groups, and add individual members to create powerful, customized group memberships. This change also includes updating the “Save” button to “Save All,” ensuring it’s clear that all settings across tabs are saved together.

We’ve improved the way validation errors are communicated when saving changes across multiple tabs. Now, clear visual indicators will notify you if there’s an error on any tab, helping you to quickly identify and address issues.

We’ve sprinkled some extra magic on our group management! Now, instead of showing all the behind-the-scenes groups, your dashboard will only display the ones you care about. Managing and understanding your groups just got a whole lot simpler—and more accurate!

We’ve added a spinner to keep things clear while your forms are loading. Now, all the data will be fully loaded before the form appears, eliminating any confusion and making your experience smoother and more intuitive.


Planning ahead? Now, you can easily schedule user offboarding for one or multiple users at once! Simply set the date, and we’ll automatically disable the users, revoke their access, and remove them from any synced applications. Offboarding has never been simpler or more streamlined.

Change of plans? You can now cancel scheduled activations or deactivations for one or more users with ease. Whether you need to adjust timing or reverse a decision, managing your user schedule just got more flexible.


Keeping track of scheduled user events is now even easier! Previously, we indicated upcoming activations or deactivations in the dashboard and user management areas. Now, you’ll also see a handy calendar icon. Simply hover over it to reveal the exact date and time of the event in a clear, easy-to-read format.

You can now force a password reset for one or more users in just a few clicks. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually managing password updates and hello to streamlined security management.

These options are available in the ‘…’ menu for users and under the ‘Bulk actions’ button.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Forcing a password reset doesn’t send an email to the user.

  • The user will be asked to change their password the next time they log in

  • They will immediately be logged out of their JumpCloud console

We get it, life gets busy! Sometimes those welcome emails slip through the cracks. But worry not—now you can effortlessly resend the activation email to one or more users who haven’t logged in and created their accounts yet. Ensure no one misses out on joining your organization with just a few clicks. Keeping your team connected has never been easier!

These options are available in the ‘…’ menu for users and under the ‘Bulk actions’ button.

Forgotten passwords are a thing of the past! You can now send a password reset email to one or more users without logging them out. Help your team members get back into their accounts smoothly and effortlessly. Password woes, be gone!

These options are available in the ‘…’ menu for users and under the ‘Bulk actions’ button.

Now, keeping tabs on password health is a breeze! Our dashboard and user management areas feature new icons that instantly show if a user’s password status needs attention (e.g., not set or expired). Stay on top of security with these handy visual cues!

Unlock the power of seamless interaction with ShiftControl! You can now manage your organization’s and individual user’s API keys with ease. View, create, and manage key names, purposes, and expiry dates—all in one place.

You can find them under the gear menu at the top of your dashboard.

Now, you can effortlessly update your organization’s name and domain in the settings section. Just click the gear icon at the top of your dashboard and select ‘Settings’ under the Org Settings area.

Pro Tip: The domain helps identify your organization during login. Change it only when you update your primary email domain. And don’t worry, logging in via the ShiftControl app in the App Dashboard will always work seamlessly, no matter what!


We’ve fine-tuned our interface to make things more intuitive. The ‘Suspend’ action is now called ‘Disable,’ and the ‘Deactivated’ badge has been updated to ‘Disabled.’ This update ties the actions and statuses together more clearly, ensuring you’re always in the know.


We’ve made it easier to navigate and take action with some key updates:

App Management/Add New Apps:

The ‘+ Custom Bookmark’ and ‘+ Custom SSO Integration’ buttons have received a makeover! They now match the style of our other action buttons, making them more prominent and easier to spot.

User Management:

The ‘Bulk Actions’ button is now always visible, even when no users are selected. While it’s disabled until needed, this tweak ensures you know bulk actions are just a click away when you need them.

We understand that activating users one at a time during onboarding was tedious and time-consuming. To streamline this process, we’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to activate or suspend multiple users at once in the User Management section. Now, managing user statuses is more efficient and hassle-free!

We’ve heard your feedback: the button next to the user state badge for activating a user wasn’t clearly identifiable. We agree, so we’ve enhanced it by adding a mouse click icon to make it more obvious.

Don’t forget, you can also activate users from the user-specific action menu and the bulk action menu!


We’re on a mission to simplify IT and SaaS management for everyone. To make this journey easier, we are proud to launch our new documentation site: docs.shiftcontrol.io. This resource is packed with helpful guides, complete with screenshots to walk you through even the most complex configuration tasks and information. Whether you’re setting up for the first time or looking to optimize your current setup, our documentation is designed to provide the support you need, step by step.

Not all apps use all fields, and sometimes we were displaying a field that wasn’t actually configurable! We’ve now updated the logic to detect which fields are available for which apps and only show those, making like just a little bit easier.

We’re working hard to think through ways to make configuring SSO much easier. The nature of SSO configuration means a lot of copying and pasting and flipping between tabs, stay tuned to see how we are solving those issues and making this accessible for everyone!

When you have group names, group descriptions, or user names that don’t quite fit into the tables on the dashboard, we now truncate those names with a … to keep things looking nice and tidy! Curious what the full name is? Simply hover over the name and you’ll to view the full text.

Ever looked at the dashboard and see the tiles and try to click on them? Well, before today, you might have been disappointed and nothing would have happned. Fear not, we like keeping things as intuitive as possible. You can now click on the each tile to go to the respective areas in our app!


It can be tedious to copy and paste all information required to configure SSO. While we’re striving to make this even easier than the “traditional” ways, for now we’ve added the ability to generate and download a metadata xml file that some providers accept to automatically configure SSO on their end.

What does this do?
In the SSO section of an application, you can now simply click the “Download SSO Config Metadata” button to grab that file and provide it to the third-party application! Easy peasy!

JumpCloud has a hard limit of 90 days on retention of their audit logs. Often, a longer history of audit logs is needed for compliance and security reasons. We now store audit logs from JumpCloud to enhance the history of captured logs past the JumpCloud limit.

We wanted to turn this feature on as soon as possible so our customers can enjoy long retention from day one. We’ll be making these logs available in the UI soon, as well as ways to export them for your own use.

What’s New?

Ever find that things are created in the JumpCloud UI rather than through the ShiftControl Interface? We’ve got you covered! With our latest enhancement, any changes made in JumpCloud are automatically discovered and adopted by ShiftControl. Now, you can manage everything through our platform without missing a beat.

Benefits for New Customers

For new customers, this feature is a game-changer. If you already have a pre-configured JumpCloud instance, our enhanced integration allows for a seamless onboarding experience. We’ll discover and adopt everything into ShiftControl, so you can immediately benefit from our intuitive and user-friendly interface.

When a user becomes locked due to multiple failed login attempts, admins receive an email to notify them, and they can now unlock that user in the ShiftControl interface.

Locked users will have a lock next to their account state indicating the account is locked. If you believe the person was simply mistyping their password, you can unlock them through the … menu for the user.

Note: Users become locked because of failed login attempts! If an account locks out multiple times, you should contact the person to make sure they are actually failing to log in and that someone isn’t trying to test their credentials/break in.

  • The IdP Url now allows hyphens in the url.

  • We added some missing form validation messages to make it clearer when an item doesn’t meet the requirements.

  • App names now check for additional invalid characters. < > ‘ “ & and / are not allowed.

  • When selecting a user in individual assignments, if you change your selection the original user is now available to select again.

We heard the feedback! You didn’t want to waste time switching between screens to configure Single Sign On. We’ve enabled the ability to configure key SSO configurations in our app!

SSO Configurations can be daunting and confusing, so we’re working on even more improvments to make it easier for you to configure SSO for your organization. Currently, we only expose the most common configuration elements to keep things simple. We’re working to analyze the most popular apps our customers use so we can make sure we only ask for the info we need, and provide you exactly what the app wants too. Stay tuned for more updates!


After months of hard work and dedication, we’re ready to take on our first batch of customers for our closed beta. We’ve made significant progress on our feature roadmap, believe we can already deliver significant value and are eager to get real customer feedback.

We’re incredibly excited to work closely with our beta users and shape the future of SaaS management together. If you think you should be part of this first batch, drop us a message/email with your reasons, and we’ll definitely consider it.

Haven’t registered yet but ready to be part of this exciting journey? Head here for our beta program: https://shiftcontrol.io/register

Thank you for your continued support – we can’t wait to show you what we’ve built!