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ShiftControl Release Notes

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September 18, 2024

Our new App Discovery feature gives you the power to see all the apps your users have connected to through integrations like Google Workspace. This feature helps you discover which apps your users are using, how they were authorized, and what actions have been taken—such as authorizations or revocations.

With detailed insights, such as the number of users interacting with each app, and how they were discovered, App Discovery helps you take immediate action. You can easily add newly discovered apps to ShiftControl with just one click.

Key capabilities include:

  • App Visibility: See which apps users have authorized and manage them directly from ShiftControl.

  • User Activity Tracking: Review important details, including the number of users, authorizations, and revocations for each app.

  • Detailed Event Logs: Access activity logs that show specific user actions, such as authorization and revocation events, including timestamps and user email addresses.

This is just the beginning—our App Discovery feature is the first mechanism to help you gain control of your SaaS environment. We are actively working on more integrations to help you discover apps even more efficiently. Soon, you’ll be able to leverage tools like accounting systems, mailbox invoice discovery, and more to uncover every corner of your app ecosystem.